Mushroom Growing Kit 4LBS , “Lightbags” Inject-and-Forget Remastered


Do not worry about damaging the mycelium during the mixings of the substrate. The mycelium will have grown into the grains and coco coir fibers. Just break up and mix about any and all clumps of substrate.


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The worlds first Coco Coir and Rye Grain “Inject and Forget Bag”

Just as before. No fanning or Misting and now no need to place the bag in the dark to colonize.

Mushroom Growing Kit 4LBS NOT SOLD WITH SPORES….. You will need 20ml spore solution.




How to use?

Open your delivery box of Mushroom Growing Kit 4LBS and unravel your bag carefully. 

Plug in your heating system.

Relax, this is gonna be easy.

Step 1: Draw air into the bag via the included white filter patch and loosely break up the substrate. This will give you room to move. Hold the front of the bag with one hand. Hold the back of the bag with the other hand and slowly ease the bag sides apart to draw the air in.

Step 2: Connect the needle to the syringe but leave the protective cap in place for the moment. Use the included alcohol swab to wipe the black and square injection port on the bag. Inject the bag with Spores or Gourmet Liquid Culture. After injection. Remove the needle and replace the needle cap. PLEASE DO NOT MIX THE BAG UNTILL YOU CAN SEE A 50PENCE PIECE OF MYCELIUM LIFE. The spores may take 7-10 days to germinate. Please move to step 3.

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Step 3: Place the bag into a dim lit space and provide a temperature of 26-27c.

Step 4: Inspect the bag for contamination on day 7. Do not worry if you do not see life just yet. We are on the mushrooms schedule don’t forget. Replace the bag into the dim lit and warm place. Next inspection and action is day 10.

Step 5: On day 10. Please inspect the bag again for any signs of contamination. If the bag is showing nice white growth. Please proceed to mix the substrate. Please mix for at least 120 seconds. Break up all the white mycelium and mix well with the rest of the substrate inside the bag. Doing this method will make sure your substrate is ready to pin with full force. Place back into the dim lit and warm spot and leave alone.

Step5B If your bag is not fully colonized by day 17 but has life then please mix the bag well one more time. If you bag is 90% or more colonized, please move on to step 6.

These instructions are based on temperatures being 26-27c 24hrs a day and all around the bag. If your bags has only a little growth at day 10 then please mix the bag for a good 3mins and make sure to mix and spread all the white mycelium life to all parts of the substrate in the bag.

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Do not worry about damaging the mycelium during the mixings of the substrate. The mycelium will have grown into the grains and coco coir fibers. Just break up and mix about any and all clumps of substrate.

Step 6: Ok now you have nothing to do but wait and worry…. lol sorry about the lack of things to do. Seriously though. You now have at least 15 days where you may do as you wish. As long as the dim lit warm conditions are maintained you can go on holiday. Nothing will need to be done to the bag until at least day 25 of this process. You may have noticed that the bag in the pictures is laid on its side. This is how you bag should be.

Step 7: I leave you only one step…. Harvest the canopy. Cut open the bag at one end and reach into the bag as a train goes into a tunnel (visualize). Please harvest the mushrooms when they are mature. Please also do your own research as to when your chosen species of mushroom is ready to be harvested.

As always. The Inject and forget bags are capable of multiple harvests.. 

To soak the cake or to go again so to speak….

Method 1: Haphazard.

1: Pour a whole mug of fresh run tap water into the freshly harvested bag.

2: Seal the bag back up and let sit for 12-24 hours to replace the moisture lost to the last harvest.

3: After the time. Unseal the bag and drain the water out for 30mins.

4: Seal the bag back up and return to the dim lit warm place to fruit again.

Method 2: Calculated.

1: Simply weigh the wet harvested mushrooms…. If this number is 300g for example. You will need to get a calculator and Multiply the wet weight by a factor of 0.8 to find how much water to add. 300g x 0.8 = 240. So in this example. 240 means 240ml of water to add to the bag.

2: Add the calculated volume of water to replace the water taken by the last harvest.

3: Without pouring any water out. Seal the bag with an easy glide sealer stick and place back in the dim lit and warm place to fruit again.

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